Massage represents a basic technique of healing or relaxing the body, both physically and spiritually. Viewed from a physiological or mechanical point of view, massage improves circulation and increases lubrication between muscle fibers and thus enables optimal mobility of the muscle itself. By improving circulation, nutrients reach the muscle cells more easily and quickly, and toxins are expelled.
Massage helps us to become aware of our body and its values, it is not a matter of prestige, but a matter of necessity. According to the recommendation of experts, you should go for a massage once or twice a week.
The legend of massage
Legend has it that there lived a beautiful girl named Shia Tsu in Japan. She did not get along well with her mother-in-law, who was jealous of her because she took away her son from her, but also because of her youth and beauty.
One day young Shia Tsu went to the forest, to the old sage's for advice. She told him what was bothering her and asked him for poison, with which she would poison her mother-in-law. The sage gave her poison, which will work for three months, and gave her the following advice: Pour two drops of poison into her cup of tea every day. Make sure no one suspects anything. After tea, massage her. After three months she will die without anyone suspecting you.
Shia Tsu went home and the very next day started to implement the plan. He gave her tea and then massaged her. And so it was day after day. In the meantime, there has been a certain change. Daughter-in-law and mother-in-law got to know each other better through conversation, and not only stopped being rivals, but also became friends. The ritual with tea and massage continued every day. Until the last drop, when the daughter-in-law realizes that her mother-in-law is not so bad and that it was just one bad habit that she lost.
The girl went to the sage and excitedly told him: I don't know what happened, I did what you told me every day, and instead of decaying and dying, she became good and kind. Now I don't want her to die! I would miss her so much! The old man laughed and said to her: What happened is natural. What I gave you in the bottle was not poison but rose water. It was the massage that helped you.
Shia Tsu was so delighted with the power of massage that she spread it all over the world.