
Sauna - heaven for soul and body

  • ● Finish
  • ● Russian
  • ● Infrared
  • ● Turkish bath

Every better wellness center today has a sauna, which has become a necessary part of body and health care. Basically, we know three types of saunas, namely dry, steam and infrared. Saunas differ in temperature and air humidity, but also in additions such as aromas, salt, plants, colors.

Three basic types of saunas

In this part of Europe, the most famous type of dry sauna is the Finnish and Russian sauna. In a Finnish sauna, the temperature reaches from 70 to 90 ºC with air humidity of 10 to 15%, and in a Russian one, the temperature varies from 90 to 110 ºC with a low humidity of 5 to 15%. Air humidity is achieved by pouring water over heated stones.

Steam saunas include the Turkish sauna. In it, the temperature is lower than the temperature in a dry sauna and rarely exceeds 60 ºC, and the humidity ranges from 30 to 60 %.

The infrared sauna has been used in Europe for about 10 years. The principle of this sauna is based on heating the space and the body with infrared rays, which by heating cause sweating and cleansing of the body. The temperature in the infrared sauna ranges from 50 to 60 ºC.

Although the optimal time to stay in the sauna is from 8 to 15 minutes, the first time you should not stay longer than ten. Dry air and high temperature of 70 to 100 degrees can cause dizziness.

Pay attention

When using the Finnish sauna, you should pay attention not to overdo it, especially if you are among the elderly or younger people under 20 years of age. We also have to pay attention to the time you are staying in a sauna of that type if we are using it for the first time. It is recommended to use the sauna for a short time, up to 5 minutes, and to gradually accustom the body to a stay of 15 minutes in such a space.

Sauna benefits

The positive effects of the sauna on the body seem like an endless list. Among benefits such as training of the cardiovascular system, a positive effect on the respiratory tract and skin, we also find information on how the sauna helps reduce muscle pain, while strengthening immunity and the body's defense function. With positive effects, you should follow the instructions for use and consult with your personal doctor.