Monuments, museums, galeries
Monuments, museums, galeries
The memorial Charnel house from The World War I, at Cer and Gucevo.
The cultural monuments: the monument from the first Serbian Uprising in Cokesina, The monument of the slaughtered victims in Draginac from the World War II, etc.
Museums: Jadar native museum in Loznica, museums in Trsic: Dositej's museum, The museum of Vuk's fairs and Vuk's memorial house with its farmstead. In Tekeris: the historical exibition of Vuk's early schoolarship days.
Galery: the gallery of pictures- the legacy of Mica Popovic and Vera Bozickovic Popovic in Loznica, the gallery Mina Karadzic Loznica.