Crkva brvnara
Vukova kuća

Etno-complex Trsic

The village Trsic is the special memorial complex in Loznica’s municipality. The complex represents a village of “Dinars type” of the 19th century and has a special touristic and cultural value.

The village Trsic is located in Jadar, 7 kilometres far from Loznica, on the way to Valjevo. The village is under the hillside of Gucevo mountain, and the small river Zeravija that runs through the whole complex. In the world literature, Trsic is known as the native village of Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic, a writer and reformer of Serbian language.


Churches and monastiries

Crkve i manastiri If you want to see the oldest building in Western Serbia, which is several hundred meters high and was built by a medieval Serbian ruler Stefan Lazarevic, stroll around the old settlement Soko Grad, which is located on Soko hills above the cold river Drina. Manastir Sv. Nicholas is devoted to Nikolai Velimirovic.

Another site worth mentioning is monastery Tronosa, located only 17km from Loznica. It was raised by Serbian king Dragutin. At only 6 kilometers from Tronosa, in the village named Tršić, there is ethno complex Tršić which includes 35 objects under protection by the law.

Crkva brvnara
Vukova kuća


Because of its diverse nature Podrinje has a wide offer for tourists, and a rich historical past as well as a cultural heritage. Three charnels remind of he famous "Drina bridgehead" from WWII: Cer, Gučevo and Mačkov kamen , which are actually the sites where important battles took placeThe first trench battle in the world was fought on the slopes of the mountain Gučevo. At the top of the mountain a monument was erected dedicated to the fighters killed during the battle over Gučevo in 1914.

Crkva brvnara
Vukova kuća

Rivers and mountains

Podrinje-nature, coastline and people that were shaped by the Drina. The fiery River widely known by tits strength and beauty, but also moody and indomitable character, has carved canyons and gorges into the rocks and winding meander in the plain, but it also raised good-hearted and open people of Podrinje!

Gučevo mountain is the lowest of all mountains in Podrinje (Black Top 779m ). This mountain is the westernmost part of Podrinje-Valjevo mountains and it rises from the valley of the Drina and lies to the southeast, in the Dinaric direction. From the Drina River to White Pass (629 m), where the mountains Boranja begins to fold, Gučevo is 15 km long.